Korean World Map (Kr. Ch'ŏnhado; Ch. 天下圖)
The World Map is part of a set of 13 foldable colored manuscript maps, including maps of the world, China, Japan, Ryūkyū, Korea, and the eight Korean provinces. The maps are bound into a volume measuring 16.6 x 10 cm. The volume is part of the "Zaborowski Collection" (Shelfmark: 5 A 296004 and Digitized)
ArchiveIllustration from the Amba/Ajige meyen-i fafun selgiyen
Military regulations for drill, signalling and commands. Manuscript in Manchu and Chinese. The colophon reads: Drawings of the left camp of the right wing of the infantry regiment, final copy by regimental soldier Fushou 福壽 and officer Yongxiang 永祥.
Shelfmark: Libri sin. N. S. 1913
Map draft of mountains and rivers between Urumqi and Ili
The map is part of an A6 writing pad with together 15 leaves with drawings and note by Albert Grünwedels about the first German expedition to Turfan (1902-1903) with the shelfmark TA 6876-24. The original is at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst. On the collection and projekt see here.
ArchiveSBB-PKGastbeitrag von Dr. Thies Staack (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg) During the past few years, I have been conducting a research project on the collecting and exchange of medical recipes in 19th and early 20th century China at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) in Hamburg. Since […] Der Beitrag The Advantages of Infrared Reflectography: Recovering the Title of a 19th Century Medical Recipe Book from China erschien zuerst auf CrossAsia.
(See English below) Frau Prof. Elisabeth Kaske (Universität Leipzig) wird uns am 27. März 2025 ab 18 Uhr eines ihrer aktuellen Forschungsthemen unter dem Titel „The plight of expectant officials through the lens of the daily Shenbao“ im Rahmen eines neuen CrossAsia Talk vorstellen. Ihr Vortrag untersucht, wie die Shanghaier Zeitung Shenbao die prekäre Situation der […] Der Beitrag CrossAsia Talks: Elisabeth Kaske 27.03.2025 erschien zuerst auf CrossAsia.
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