
Blauer Leihverkehr

The aim of the Blauer Leihverkehr (BLV, Blue Loan Service) is to deliver materials as part of the Specialized Information Service Asia managed by the East Asia Department, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Materials can be ordered in all languages and scripts, both for monographs and journal articles. All loanable holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin are available.

The loan period is four months. Up to twelve extensions of the deadline are possible, provided there is no reservation. The loan period is extended directly by the participating library. Please contact the person responsible for the BLV at your institution.

In addition, materials from the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, can be ordered in South Asian languages via the BLV.

Please read the "Blauer Leihverkehr's" terms of usage.

It is recommended to order the materials directly via the CrossAsia Search, the Online-catalogue of the East Asia Department, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, or via the Online-catalogue of Heidelberg University Library. If you cannot find the title in our online-catalogues, please fill in the form below. To order materials in Southeast Asian languages you have to fill in the form yourself as well.

For information on historical catalogues of the collection in Berlin please consult the East Asia Department's website.

Your data

Your order

If available, please provide the shelfmark from the online catalogue.

Contact FID Asia

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK
East Asia Department
Tel.: +49 30 266-436001
E-Mail: x-asia(at)