CrossAsia DoD (Digitisation on Demand) is a demand-driven digitisation service for Asia-related titles that are in the public domain or out of print and works for which non-exclusive rights for digitisation and online presentation have been granted to CrossAsia. Asia-related titles from the holdings of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library), Heidelberg University Library, and the South Asia Institute (SAI) Library can be proposed for digitisation. CrossAsia DoD is a service free of charge aimed at researchers of Asian studies.
The budget available for this discipline-specific on-demand digitisation service will be used on the principle of first-come, first-served. All digital images produced in this context will directly be made available online as open access titles in the respective libraries (Digitised collection of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and Literature about South Asia – digital) and are retrievable via CrossAsia search.
Upon receipt of your request we will inform you as quickly as possible whether or not we can accept your order. We will also inform you as soon as the title you proposed for digitisation is available online via the respective portals. The use of these digital reproductions is subject to the general terms and conditions of the respective institution (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and Heidelberg University Library).
Please read the guidelines and instructions for CrossAsia DoD order.
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK
East Asia Department
Tel.: +49 30 266-436001
E-Mail: x-asia(at)