
CrossAsia LAB

In the context of CrossAsia, various IT applications and tools have been created and are available free of charge in the CrossAsia LAB. These tools include N-gram data sets, a transliteration tool for selected Central Asian scripts and additional search functions for our full texts in the CrossAsia ITR (Integrated Text Repository). We invite all users and visitors to take advantage of these features and welcome your feedback at As part of the Digital Humanities, we are happy to realise new tools for you and your projects to support you in your research.

The CrossAsia Fulltext Search with its two Beta versions - a "guided" and an "explorative" fulltext search - is built from textual resources hosted in the CrossAsia Integrated Textrepository (ITR). Its aim is to help users find texts and sources relevant to their research questions by performing comprehensive fulltext searches across databases.

The full-texts stored in the CrossAsia ITR provide an excellent source for all who are interested in digital humanities and in statistical, linguistic and other computational analysis. We prepared the texts in a way that they can be downloaded as unrestricted N-gram datasets.

Given the way things have developed, CrossAsia now offers the possibility of searching in a gargantuan space. The simple idea behind xA2XML is to have a tool that enables the user to assign data into other content. What happens is that the huge CrossAsia search space is provided in form of an XML string via the XML interface. This means that data can be integrated into other systems with very little effort

The tool - provided by CrossAsia - offers the possibility to create a text in original script by entering a transliteration. This function is available for the languages Tibetan, Mongolian (in Cyrillic script) and Uyghur. Furthermore, it is possible to generate different transliterations.

Tibetan medical terminology is not as sufficiently surveyed as one would expect. Publications on Tibetan pharmacology, anatomy or pathology offer differing translations of medical terms found in classical or modern texts. It is the aim of this database to shed light on the plurality of these translations.

The following visualization is based on the occurrence of "Zambia" in the headlines of Renmin Ribao [People's Newspaper] articles between 1946 and 2012. The graphic shows the continuous relationship between Zambia and the People's Republic of China...

The CrossAsia ITR Explorer provides a different perspective on the CrossAsia ITR resources and is supplementary to the CrossAsia Fulltext Search. It allows to combine and compare search results and visualise them showing their overlaps and distribution over time.

The CrossAsia ITR Newspaper Explorer is an addition to the CrossAsia ITR Explorer that makes full use of the fine-granular data nature of newspapers. In addition to a Venn-diagram visualisation it provides “heatmaps” of the time distribution of search terms or combined search sets at different scales, from decade, year, month to day level.

A list of the 2081 journal titles of the "National Social Sciences Database". The database of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences provides free access to over nine million articles in over two thousand academic journals.

The idea in itself has always been simple – yet we were not sure whether it is a good one or rather useless. Here it is: whenever you open a document on your computer – a PDF file, a word file, a browser or whatever – you may find it useful to check what other information can be found relating to the subject you are working on. You may be interested if a book on your topic is available for loan, or be keen on additional resources that can be found on the web.

The Written Mongol Romanised Vocabulary is a dictionary in which the lemmas are formed by words from the titles in the holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. It is possible to search with different transliterations and original Cyrillic script.

The database "Digital Tibetan Archives Bonn" (DTAB), which was developed by Prof. Dr. Schwieger and previously maintained by the Computer Center of the University of Bonn, contains 4,268 digitised Tibetan legal documents, such as deeds and administrative texts, from various archives from the Tibet Autonomous Region and Dharamsala, among others, as well as from some private collections.