
Informationen zur CrossAsia Suche

Die CrossAsia Suche bietet eine soweit möglich vollständige, gemeinsame Recherche in allen Materialien, zu denen wir den Zugriff über den Blauen Leihverkehr oder zum elektronischen (Voll)text über das CrossAsia Portal anbieten können bzw. der Zugriff frei verfügbar ist. Hinzu kommen Titeldaten, die als PDA (Patron Driven Acquision) als Vorschläge zur Erwerbung direkt aus der Suche angestoßen werden können.

Die Gruppierung der Liste folgt den Kategorien der CrossAsia-Datenbankliste und ist intern alphabetisch geordnet. Datenpakete in Bearbeitung sind mit "in progress" markiert.
Daten, die in der "alten" CrossAsia Suche über die Einbindung verschiedener Zugriffe (SRU, andere API etc.) zur Verfügung standen, werden - soweit dies möglich, sinnvoll und erlaubt ist - sukzessive in den neuen, gemeinsamen Index bei der VZG migriert. Für einige "remote" Ressourcen (wie z.B. BASE) ist dies nicht sinnvoll bzw. (wie z.B. für CiNii) aktuell nicht möglich. Die neue CrossAsia Suche bietet als "Brücke" zu diesen Ressourcen eine Übergabe des eingegebenen Suchterms an diese Portale an.

Was wird in der CrossAsia Suche berücksichtigt?

(Stand: November 2024)

Category of database Database / catalogue CrossAsia Search
monographs / journals
CrossAsia Search
articles / chapters
Stabikat (monographs / articles)
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Stabikat) Printed and electronic holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin including permanent holdings of the East Asia Department (books and selected other FID materials
Book & Collections Airiti: eBooks = 華藝中文電子書 (yearly updates) yes x (only permanent titles)
Apabi 电子图书 = Apabi eBooks collection (as of 2011) yes yes
Apabi 中医古籍库 = Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine (as of 2011) yes yes
Asian Studies - ISEAS, IG publishing, Singapore yes yes
Brill eBooks = (Asian Studies 2007- ) yes yes
China social science library (CSSL) = 中国社会科学文库 (only permanent titles) yes yes
Chinamaxx EBook Library (as of 2010) yes yes
中国学术典藏图书库 = Digital Collection on China Studies (CNKI eBooks) yes x (only permanent titles)
中国学术辑刊全文数据库 = CNKI - China Monographic Series (2013-2019) yes yes yes / _
Center for Research Libraries, Ressources for ILL, electronic Ressources - in progress yes x (only open access titles)
中國基本古籍庫 = Database of Chinese classic ancient books yes yes
民國圖書數據庫 = Early Twentieth Century Book in China, 1911-1949 ((coll. 1+2, coll. 3-4 in progress) yes yes
皮书数据库 (Pishu books & articles) yes yes yes / _
ISEAS - IG publishing Asian Studies yes yes
Scripta Sinica = 漢籍全文資料庫 (授權範圍) (as of 2021) yes yes
四庫全書 Siku quanshu, 續修 Xuxiu Siku quanshu, 存目 Siku cunmu, 未收 / 禁毀 Siku weishou, ~jinhui) yes yes
Apabi 天一阁藏书 = Imperial examination records from the Tianyige Museum yes yes
Zaizao shanben 再造山本 = China Rare Book Reprinted Collection yes yes
Newspapers & Magazines
(Please note: article metadata of newspapers are included in CrossAsia Fulltext Search / ITR Explorer; other newspapers (North China Herald etc.) have only fulltext of issues/pages.
Dacheng 大成老旧刊全文数据库 = Modern China journal database yes yes
Historical Newspapers of China (1832-1953) - ProQuest yes yes (CrossAsia fulltext search / ITR Explorer) yes / _
The Chinese Student Monthly - (1906-1931) yes (only fulltext) yes / _
The Japan chronicle - Weekly edition (1902-1940) yes (only fulltext) yes / _
Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Journals (1817-1949) - China and the Modern World yes yes yes / yes
North China Daily News/Herald/Standard yes (only fulltext) yes / _
Mobilizing East Asia (1931-1954) yes (only fulltext) yes / _
People's Daily 人民日报 = People's Daily (1946-2009) yes yes (CrossAsia fulltext search / ITR Explorer) yes / _
Shenbao 申報 = China daily news (1872-1949) yes yes (CrossAsia fulltext search / ITR Explorer) yes / _
South China Morning Post (1903-1998) yes yes (CrossAsia fulltext search / ITR Explorer) yes / _
Ta Kung Pao 大公報 (1902-1949) yes yes (CrossAsia fulltext search / ITR Explorer) yes / _
晚清期刊, 民国时期期刊全文数据库 1833-1949 = Chinese periodical full-text databases yes yes / _
Academic Journals Brill e-journals collection (Asien studies) (2000 -) yes yes yes / yes
China Academic Journals (ca. 1915-2019) yes yes yes / yes
Gugong qikan 故宮期刊 National Palace Museum Periodicals (1966-) - yearly updates yes yes yes / _
Online Contents: Asien und Nordafrika; Ost- und Südostasien; Südasien yes yes yes / _
Taiwan Electronic Periodica = TEPS - quaterly updates yes yes yes / _
中国学术期刊数据库 = China online journals (ca. 1915-2019) yes yes yes / _
中国学术辑刊全文数据库 = China monographic series full-text database (2013-2019) yes yes yes / _
Dissertations & Conferences Airiti: Conference proceedings = 會議論文 (quaterly updates) yes
Airiti: 中文電子學位論文服務 = Chinese electronic theses and dissertations service = CETD (quaterly updates) yes
中国学位论文全文数据库 China dissertations database Wanfang(ca. 1988 - 2011) yes
CNKI: Theses & Dissertation = 中国优秀硕/博士学位论文全文数据库 CDMD (2000-2019) yes
CNKI: China proceedings of conferences = 中国重要会议论文全文数据库 CDMD (2000-2019) yes
ProQuest dissertations & theses global (-2023) yes
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias Apabi 工具书 China reference books collection (as of 2008) yes yes
Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism - entries yes
CNKI Reference Works (-2013) yes yes
Oxford Bibliographies Hinduism and Buddism - entries yes
Law & Government Apabi 法典 (-2011) yes yes
中国法律法规数据库 China laws & regulations database yes yes
Archival materials Area Studies: Japan, China and Southeast Asia yes yes
China, America and the Pacifictrade and cultural exchange yes yes
China: Culture and Society, Sources from The Wason Pamphlet Collection at Cornell University yes yes
China: Trade, Politics & Culture, Sources from the School of Oriental and African Studies and the British Library, London: 1793 - 1980 yes yes
Foreign Office Files: China; Japan; South East Asia; India, Pakistan and Afghanistan; Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan yes yes
India, Raj, and Empire yes
East India Company yes yes
Meiji Japan(Edward Sylvester Morse collection) yes yes
Records of the Maritime Customs (1854-1949) yes yes
Socialism on Film - The Cold War and international propaganda yes yes
Statistics, Yearbooks, Local Monographs Apabi Yearbooks = 中国年鉴资源全文数据库(-2010) yes yes
China Comprehensive Gazetteers = 中國綜合方誌庫 yes yes
CNKI Yearbooks = 中国年鉴网络出版总库 (as of 04-2024) yes
CNKI Statistical Yearbooks = 中国经济社会发展统计数据库 (as of 04-2024) yes
Database of Chinese Local Records = 中國方志庫 (初,二集) yes yes
Zhongguo difangzhi = 中國地方誌 (3 collections) yes yes
PDA titles
= suggestions for user acquisition requests
Commercial vendors (Dkagencies, CIBTC, Zhenben) yes
Korean National Library (print books in all languages) yes
National Diet Library: zassaku yes
OpenAccess titles Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts (DLLM) yes yes
Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts (Lanna) yes yes
DissOnline (elektronische OA-Publikation deutscher Dissertationen im Nachweis der DNB) yes
LFER (freie Ressourcen im Verbund, z.B. Digitalisate historischer Bestände etc.) yes
NDL digital library - in progress yes